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Digital Marketing


Ecotourism – Brazil

EcoBocaina Ecological Park


The Ecobocaina Ecological Park offers adventure tourism services in Formosa-Go/Brazil, a region 40 km from Brasília-DF.

As EcoBocaina’s marketing partners, we plan and set up the entire restructuring of digital communication between the park and its audiences with the creation of a new website and formats for social networks.

In addition, we meet every two weeks to analyze the park’s sales data and make new decisions based on the numbers we get, results from ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram.

Everything is presented to EcoBocaina Park members in real time through a Dashboard that we created so that they can access whenever they want data such as number of accesses to the site, number of sales, reach of online advertisements and much more.

Website and
Digital Structure

We did all the integration of the EcoBocaina Ecological Park website and social networks with the main data and advertising platforms in the digital market, Google and Meta.

Online ads are responsible for publicizing the park’s attractions and reminding people about the availability of the service where they are always, on their cell phone, in Google searches or on social networks!


Sociais Media

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